Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Flickr is the greatest!

My first experience with Flickr was almost 2 years ago when my son flew to Cannes, France to work at an international travel show. He borrowed my digital camera that I knew how to use and off he flew. While he was in Cannes he uploaded most of his pictures to Flickr and then shared them with me through the internet. I was amazed to be seeing what he was seeing almost at the same time.

Here is the hotel where he stayed!! Isn't this cool???

Here is a picture out of the window of his flight, when they were 30 minutes from landing in Iceland. Isn't this beautiful???????
These are on my Flickr account, and are public, too, so enjoy and see what more you can find of such beauty on Flickr.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Ramblings on two weeks of 20 Things @ PRL

October 15 -- View the vodcast on the 7.5 habits of successful lifelong learners.

Well.................I love all the habits. As evidenced by my returning to get my MSIS in 2000 and successfully completing my degree in 2003, all in my 50's, I think I am really a lifelong learner. I continually feel like I learn at least one new thing every day of my life and often many, many more.

October 22 -- Discover YouTube and a few sites that allow users to upload and share videos.

YouTube is one of my favorite websites. I've never made anything for it, but with my love of knitting I've used it heavily. Many people who knit have created visual how-t0's for knitting projects, stitches, etc. Whenever I have a question about how to do something I look in my various knitting books and then search YouTube to see if there's a video already done of it. More often than not, there is and I'm set to go with my new knitting project.

There's a funny YouTube video about The Last Knit. I'll include it here for everyone to enjoy!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Second Week Fun

Well.....................I already have this blog and another, knittingshelf.blogspot.com. I've been blogging for a while and really enjoy it. It is one way to find people with similar interests to your own.

I'm about to go on vacation for the next two Monday's, so I'll tell you here, that I have already done the 3rd and 4th items on our list of 20 things @ Pamunkey. The 7.5 habits is a great vodcast. I know it took some effort, but it really did turn out well!

Youtube is fun to just explore. I often see other bloggers upload Youtube vodcasts to their blogs and find some of them interesting, but I'm not usually inclined to take other people's materials for my own use. I haven't had the time to create my own vodcast, so maybe over the Christmas holidays (yeah, sure, when will I ever have the time???!!).

I probably won't post for a few weeks, so enjoy the 20 things while I'm gone!

Monday, October 1, 2007

1 October 2007

Today is the day! The 1st of October and we launch our blog http://pamunkey20things.blogspot.com/.

I've previously done most of the 20 things and enjoyed most of them, too, but I'm planning to follow the list, week by week, as best I can.

Obviously I've done the 1st thing and the 2nd, so I'm a bit ahead, but I'm hoping to help many of you who might be reading my blog with the various stages of this fun.

The internet and all of it's wonderful technology have become a big part of my life. I'm about to purchase two computer cam's (camera's), one for my computer and one for my daughter's computer, so we can talk in person on Instant Message. My new grandbaby often is sitting in my daughter's lap when she is on her computer and we do IM each other frequently, so maybe I can see the baby and she see and hear me more, so she will get to know me better and better.
