Monday, October 8, 2007

Second Week Fun

Well.....................I already have this blog and another, I've been blogging for a while and really enjoy it. It is one way to find people with similar interests to your own.

I'm about to go on vacation for the next two Monday's, so I'll tell you here, that I have already done the 3rd and 4th items on our list of 20 things @ Pamunkey. The 7.5 habits is a great vodcast. I know it took some effort, but it really did turn out well!

Youtube is fun to just explore. I often see other bloggers upload Youtube vodcasts to their blogs and find some of them interesting, but I'm not usually inclined to take other people's materials for my own use. I haven't had the time to create my own vodcast, so maybe over the Christmas holidays (yeah, sure, when will I ever have the time???!!).

I probably won't post for a few weeks, so enjoy the 20 things while I'm gone!

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